CSpect is a cross-platform ZX Spectrum Next emulator by Mike Dailly.
Emulates many features of the Next and includes a fully featured debugger, complete with 24bit breakpoints and an assembler.
Premade SD card images can be found here.
ZX Spectrum NextBASIC syntax highlighting for Visual Studio Code by Remy Sharp.
Requires Visual Studio to run which can be obtained here.
This video player is a dot command for the ZX Spectrum Next that can be copied to /dot on your sd card. The source code is available here.
".playvid" on its own gives some help. ".playvid name" will play a video file. More usage information can be found in the readme.txt file in the source code directory above.
SjASMPlus is Z80 Assembly Language Cross Compiler. It is available for Win32, Linux and FreeBSD (mainly 5.x) systems. It is based on SjASM source code by Sjoerd Mastijn (http://xl2s.tk).
UDGeed is a handy sprite editor by 'em00k', and makes use of the full 256 colours palette of the Spectrum Next. Check out the step by step instructions on the video, using the ZEsarUX emulator as the Spectrum Next alternative.
Follow the thread in the Next forums for the latest updates, as UDGeed is very much work in progress at the moment, even though it already looks awesome.
Create new or edit existing ZX-Spectrum emulator files. Use a powerful data block composer to add, insert or modify data blocks for any compatible file type. Edit tape files, disk files, picture files, snapshot files etc. Edit contents of SCREEN$ blocks, Basic programs and variables with ZX-Paintbrush and ZX-Editor with embedded dialogs. You can send data blocks to other ZX-Modules programs.
ZX-Editor is a text editor for ZX-Spectrum emulator files, which supports (nearly all) functions you know from other text editors, and also Spectrum-related things like colour attributes, flashing, screen$-files etc. You also can change the text style (italic, bold etc.) as well as text height. But also 8×8-pixels fonts are supported.
ZX-Paintbrush is a Microsoft Windows program that allows the user to create new screen files, draw images using mouse-sensitive tools such as polygons, circles, rectangles, etc. It offers various fill styles in tool boxes and allows the user to easily alter the color attributes. Using ZX-Paintbrush, it is also possible to convert BMP, GIF, JPG files and also to hold them in this format.
In NextZXOS v2.7 + you can edit the default menu items that appear on start up. This is done by configuring a configuration file in "c:\nextzxos\enMenus.cfg"
Normally you would have to edit with a text editor such as qe - but that can be a little tricky for new-comers so this tool attempts to bridge that gap.